Ha Uk ChungBiomedical Electronics Advisor
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Dr. Ha Uk Chung obtained BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2013 and 2016, respectively. From Northwestern University, he received a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 2019. Dr. Chung has developed miniaturized, wireless, and skin-mountable flexible electronics to monitor a broad range of physiological biomarkers at a system level by leading multi-disciplinary engineering teams and collaborating with clinical experts. Applications of such technology include monitoring both traditional and novel biomarkers in the neonatal and pediatric intensive care units, cardiac intensive care units, sleep clinics, and rehabilitation. Dr. Chung has published over 15 peer-reviewed academic journals and s listed as an inventor on 6 pending and granted patents. His publications have appeared in prestigious journals, such as Science, Nature Medicine, and Nature Communication with media attention from CBS, The Washington Post, and National Geographic. Dr. Chung is a co-founder, Principal Hardware Engineer, and Director of R&D of Sibel Health Inc., a CBIE spin-out start-up, pursuing commercialization of clinical grade wireless vital signs monitoring sensors to help improve health sensing in the world.