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Soft, Skin-Interfaced Microfluidic Systems

Image of a skin-interfaced microfluidic device resembling a clockRecent advances in active materials, biochemical analysis approaches, microsystem designs, and microfabrication/nanofabrication techniques form the basis for unusual, skin-interfaced microfluidic systems that incorporate miniaturized flexible/stretchable electronic systems, wireless communication modules, and electrochemical biosensors. The possibility of coupling such technologies with soft hydrogels and thin, low-modulus microfluidic platforms allows conformal interfaces to the epidermis to facilitate fundamentally differentiated ambulatory modes for biofluid (i.e. sweat) extraction, capture, and analysis in real time, outside of controlled laboratory environments.


Foundational publication:

A. Koh, D. Kang, Y. Xue, S. Lee, R.M. Pielak, J. Kim, T. Hwang, S. Min, A. Banks, P. Bastien, M.C. Manco, L. Wang, K.R. Ammann, K.-I. Jang, P. Won, S. Han, R. Ghaffari, U. Paik, M.J. Slepian, G. Balooch, Y. Huang, J.A. Rogers, “A Soft, Wearable Microfluidic Device for the Capture, Storage, and Colorimetric Sensing of Sweat,” Science Translational Medicine 8, 366ra165 (2016). (cover feature article)

Recent major publications:

A. Hourlier-Fargette, S. Schon, Y. Xue, R. Avila, W. Li, Y. Gao, C. Liu, S.B. Kim, M.S. Raj, K.B. Fields, B.V. Parsons, K.H. Lee, J.Y. Lee, H.U. Chung, S.P. Lee, M. Johnson, A.J. Bandodkar, P. Gutruf, J.B. Model, A.J. Aranyosi, J. Choi, T.R. Ray, R. Ghaffari, Y. Huang and J.A. Rogers "Skin-interfaced Soft Microfluidic Systems with Modular and Reusable Electronics for In Situ Capacitive Sensing of Sweat Loss, Rate and Conductivity,"Lab on a Chip 20, 4391-4403 (2020).

A.J. Bandodkar, S.P. Lee, I. Huang, W. Li, S. Wang, C.-J. Su, W.J. Jeang, T. Hang, S. Mehta, N. Nyberg, P. Gutruf, J. Choi, J. Koo, J.T. Reeder, R. Tseng, R. Ghaffari and J.A. Rogers "Sweat-activated Biocompatible Batteries for Epidermal Electronic and Microfluidic Systems,"Nature Electronics 3, 554-562 (2020).

S.B. Kim, J. Koo, J. Yoon, A. Hourlier-Fargette, B. Lee, S. Chen, S. Jo, J. Choi, Y.S. Oh, G. Lee, S.M. Won, A.J. Aranyosi, S.P. Lee, J.B. Model, P.V. Braun, R. Ghaffari, C. Park and J.A. Rogers "Soft, Skin-Interfaced Microfluidic Systems with Integrated Enzymatic Assays for Measuring the Concentration of Ammonia and Ethanol in Sweat," Lab on a Chip 20, 84-92 (2020).

J.T. Reeder, Y. Xue, D. Franklin, Y. Deng, J. Choi, O. Prado, R. Kim, C. Liu, J. Hanson, J. Ciraldo, A.J. Bandodkar, S. Krishnan, A. Johnson, E. Patnaude, R. Avila, Y. Huang and J.A. Rogers "Resettable Skin Interfaced Microfluidic Sweat Collection Devices with Chemesthetic Hydration Feedback," Nature Communications 10, 5513 (2019).

J. Choi, A.J. Bandodkar, J.T. Reeder, T.R. Ray, A. Turnquist, S.B. Kim, N. Nyberg, A. Hourlier-Fargette, J.B. Model, A.J. Aranyosi, S. Xu, R. Ghaffari and J.A. Rogers "Soft, Skin-Integrated Multifunctional Microfluidic Systems for Accurate Colorimetric Analysis of Sweat Biomarkers and Temperature," ACS Sensors 4, 379-388 (2019).

J.T. Reeder, J. Choi, Y. Xue, P. Gutruf, J. Hanson, M. Liu, T. Ray, A.J. Bandodkar, R. Avila, W. Xia, S. Krishnan, S. Xu, K. Barnes, M. Pahnke, R. Ghaffari, Y. Huang and J.A. Rogers "Waterproof, Electronics-Enabled, Epidermal Microfluidic Devices for Sweat Collection, Biomarker Analysis, and Thermography in Aquatic Settings," Science Advances 5: eaau6356 (2019).

A.J. Bandodkar, P. Gutruf, J. Choi, K.H. Lee, Y. Sekine, J.T. Reeder, W.J. Jeang, A.J. Aranyosi, S.P. Lee, J.B. Model, R. Ghaffari, C.-J. Su, J.P. Leshock, T. Ray, A. Verrillo, K. Thomas, V. Krishnamurthi, S. Han, J. Kim, S. Krishnan, T. Hang, J.A. Rogers "Battery-free, Skin-interfaced Microfluidic/Electronic Systems for Simultaneous Electrochemical, Colorimetric and Volumetric Analysis of Sweat," Science Advances 5: eaav3294 (2019).

S.B. Kim, K.H. Lee, M.S. Raj, B. Lee, J.T. Reeder, J. Koo, A. Hourlier-Fargette, A.J. Bandodkar, S.M. Won, Y. Sekine, J. Choi, Y. Zhang, J. Yoon, B.H. Kim, Y. Yun, S. Lee, J. Shin, J. Kim, R. Ghaffari and J.A. Rogers "Soft, Skin-Interfaced Microfuidic Systems with Wireless, Battery-Free Electronics for Digital, Real-Time Tracking of Sweat Loss and Electrolyte Composition," Small 14, 1802876 (2018).

J. Choi, R. Ghaffari, L.B. Baker and J.A. Rogers, "Skin-Interfaced Systems for Sweat Collection and Analytics," Science Advances 4, eaar3921 (2018).

Cover Articles

"Skin-interfaced soft microfluidic systems with modular and reusable electronics for in situ capacitive sensing of sweat loss, rate and conductivity"

"Skin-interfaced soft microfluidic systems with modular and reusable electronics for in situ capacitive sensing of sweat loss, rate and conductivity"

Aurélie Hourlier-Fargette, Stéphanie Schon, Yeguang Xue, Raudel Avila, Weihua Li, Yiwei Gao, Claire Liu, Sung Bong Kim, Milan S. Raj, Kelsey B. Fields, Blake V. Parsons, KunHyuck Lee, Jong Yoon Lee, Ha Uk Chung, Stephen P. Lee, Michael Johnson, Amay J. Bandodkar, Philipp Gutruf, Jeffrey B. Model, Alexander J. Aranyosi, Jungil Choi, Tyler R. Ray, Roozbeh Ghaffari, Yonggang Huang and John A. Rogers

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"Passive sweat collection and colorimetric analysis of biomarkers relevant to kidney disorders using a soft microfluidic system"

"Passive sweat collection and colorimetric analysis of biomarkers relevant to kidney disorders using a soft microfluidic system"

Yi Zhang, Hexia Guo, Sung Bong Kim, Yixin Wu, Diana Ostojich, Sook Hyeon Park, Xueju Wang, Zhengyan Weng, Rui Li, Amay J. Bandodkar, Yurina Sekine, Jungil Choi, Shuai Xu, Susan Quaggin, Roozbeh Ghaffari and John A. Rogers

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"Thin, Soft, Skin-Mounted Microfluidic Networks with Capillary Bursting Valves for Chrono-Sampling of Sweat"

"Thin, Soft, Skin-Mounted Microfluidic Networks with Capillary Bursting Valves for Chrono-Sampling of Sweat"

Jungil Choi, Daeshik Kang, Seungyong Han, Sung Bong Kim, and John A. Rogers

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"A soft, wearable microfluidic device for the capture, storage, and colorimetric sensing of sweat"

"A soft, wearable microfluidic device for the capture, storage, and colorimetric sensing of sweat"

Ahyeon Koh, Daeshik Kang, Yeguang Xue, Seungmin Lee, Rafal M. Pielak, Jeonghyun Kim, Taehwan Hwang, Seunghwan Min, Anthony Banks, Philippe Bastien, Megan C. Manco, Liang Wang, Kaitlyn R. Ammann, Kyung-In Jang, Phillip Won, Seungyong Han, Roozbeh Ghaffari, Ungyu Paik, Marvin J. Slepian, Guive Balooch, Yonggang Huang, John A. Rogers

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